After many requests by the Dojees this year we added a new section to our weekly workshops, Personal Branding. This week Seth Price, expert on branding, came in to discuss how to share your process, present your work and to discuss what customers care about.
Seth Price speaking to dojees
In a digital age, many wanted to know how to properly present themselves to employers, connections and customers. Price spoke to these concerns. Presenting examples of his work and online presence, this workshop gave the Dojees tangible tips for the future of personal branding.
“Marketing is a contest for peoples attention in a world with a very short attention span”
Following the talk, each Dojee was paired with their mentor - the leader that will help them stay on track and provide insight for their innovation projects. Each mentor met one on one with their students and gave them pointers for what tangible progress they would have to make by next week - critique week.