Dojo Session 5


This week, each Dojee had to create a five-minute presentation explaining their progress on research and design thus far. They answered the questions, “What research have you done and why? What assumptions have been challenged? What has surprised you? What are new solutions you have come up with?”.

Dojee presenting ideas

Dojee presenting ideas

Every student engaged in a twenty minute critique of their work. One presenter spoke to the stigma surrounding entrepreneurship at RISD, and a campaign to expose how RISD students are entrepreneurial by nature, even if they don’t outwardly acknowledge it. 

There’s a stigma against the word entrepreneurship. To me it’s not about money, but all about design thinking and shifting equilibriums for better solutions to problems.


Presenting materials, and how to create a quick model, Claudia Rebola allowed the Dojees to play with styrene and foam to better understand material design.

Experimenting with styrene and foam

Experimenting with styrene and foam


Claudia Rebola encouraged people to storyboard and use extreme scenarios to challenge the viability of their product in every situation. This included urging one group working on at home physical therapy to think about every reason why people might ignore a reminder to stretch, including getting a reminder while on the toilet. 

by Eve Grassfield